Full Health Assessment - Individualised Plan Targeting Your Health Concerns

The assessment is based on your health history, current health concerns and goals.
I will consider the information you provide about what you usually eat, your digestive health, reported energy levels, results of recent medical tests, past medical history/ surgery, body type, current weight and waist measure as well as any concerning symptoms you may have.
As part of the big picture there is an opportunity for you to describe the effects of any stress or emotional issues that you may be facing.
Together we will aim to understand the background and “big picture view” of your current state of health and the goals, priorities and concerns you may have around making changes.
With this information we are able to discuss the options for both diet and lifestyle changes that may help improve how you feel and how your body functions.
The information will be tailored to your needs and current lifestyle.
Together we will construct an eating guide that is able to provide the nutrients that your body and brain require to function well, while at the same time avoiding any foods that need to be avoided either for intolerances, allergies or personal choice.
The plan is reassessed at each review and may be modified as needed.
As part of the wellness plan, we may also talk about recommended activities or exercises, relaxation practices, how to support adequate sleep and ways to help reduce pain and improve energy levels.
The plan may also make recommendations around natural supplements that may support improved health and wellbeing.
I may also recommend other practitioners that can help support you with your goals.