My Contact Details
Liz Ford
Phone: 027 389 6590
"Are You Serious About IMPROVING Your Health ... Without Relying on the Mainstream Health System?"
In this little report, I share how I saw very little if any improvement in patients while working in the health system. Frustration drove me to question everything! You'll also see some of the phenomenal results I'm now seeing in my clients! Download report here.
Although I am a health care professional, I am not a doctor. I can provide nutritional advice and guidance to improve your health. Some of the nutrition advice I provide is not universally accepted as evidence-based practice and is neither sponsored, approved or recommended by many medical or dietitian's organisations. Always consult with your physician prior to adopting a low-carbohydrate diet or making other dietary changes. Information on this website is for information purposes only. It is not a substitute for appropriate individualised health advice from a qualified medical practitioner. Any application or use of the information, resources or recommendations provided is at your own risk.
Copyright. All rights reserved. Liz Ford - Holistic and Intergrative Nutritionist - Timaru